Feudo Antico presents In Merano the smallest DOC wine In Italy
01 September 2010
Merano International Wine Festival, 5 to 8 November 2010, Merano (BZ)
Feudo Antico is the first wine producer of Tullum, the smallest DOC wine in Italy. Feudo Antico has been selected and invited to participate to the Meran International Wine Festival, the most prestigious event of the year.
At the Meran International Wine Festival, Feudo Antico will present the smallest doc in Italy that brilliantly passed the severe selections to be admitted.
The event is scheduled from 5 to 8 November, at the Kurhaus in Meran. The Meran Wine Festival, which attracts about 5,000 visitors a year, is known for its strict selection of the presented wines.
Each invited wine producer, in fact, must submit their wine to various tasting committees.
Only wines that score higher than 85/100 are entitled to become one of the 500 selected wineries invited to participate from all over the world.
"We are pleased with this result - says Andrea Di Fabio, Feudo Antico Manager Our presence at the Merano Wine Festival will introduce to a qualified audience Tullum, the smallest doc wine in Italy, that although was born only last year, is having a great success on the market, thanks also to some courageous decisions.
Among these, the choice of having Pecorino and Passerina white wines recognized as Doc wines, whereas until last year they were only IGT, and the mandatory use of specific rules “Disciplinare” to make wines that are well differentiated according to their position on the cadastral maps".
Feudo Antico will present At Meran Wine Festival Tullum Bianco 2009 and Tullum Pecorino 2009.
The other types of wines, Tullum Passerina, last to be created and Tullum Red wine, that is only refined in cement tanks first and then bottled, without ageing in wood, are also being very appreciated on the market.